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Imara Jones

Co-creator and Senior Advisor, Social Contract Project, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative

Imara Jones is a co-creator and senior advisor to the National Economic and Social Rights Initative’s New Social Contract project. Her work has won Emmy and Peabody Awards and she is the founder and creator of TranLash, a journalism and narrative media project which tells trans stories to save trans lives. Imara’s work as a host, on-air news analyst, and writer focuses on the full range of social justice and equity issues. Imara has held economic policy posts in the Clinton White House and communications positions at Viacom. Imara holds degrees from the London School of Economics and Columbia. Imara is a transwoman and goes by the pronouns she/her/they/them. She is currently a Soros Equality Fellow and was named by Elle Magazine as one of twenty women to watch in 2020.

Imara joined us for our virtual Roundtable convening “Examining Justice Reform and the Social Contract in the United States: Implications for Justice Policy and Practice.”